Custom Bottle Glorifiers and Back Bar Displays: A Marketing Strategy
The key to success for a lot of bars and restaurants is staying clean and most importantly organized. Working in a high-paced industry means bigger risks for human error. But, there are many products that can ensure a clean surface and quick production. One of these popular products are Shot Dispensers.
These machines ensure that you pour the right amount every time so you get your money’s worth. Your business will cut down liquor cost by pouring accurately every time. They also keep your liquor at perfect temperatures and ensure your drinks have the same consistency every time. Some of these shot machines can even hold more than one type of liquor at a time!
Shot pourers are not just efficient to monitor your liquor spending, they’re also the perfect marketing platform. These point of sale items sit well in the back bar and are small enough that you can move them around your bar as you feel fit.
All Shot dispenser machines can be wrapped in any design or brand, which can make them an ideal focal point for your bar. Add a pop of color or leave the machines’ shiny metallic surface exposed with your brand’s name to catch the attention of your patrons.
Want to increase sales for a particular liquor or take part in cross-promotional marketing? You can custom produce a unique full color design that can highlight that specific product and call attention to anyone approaching the bar.
So, what makes this the perfect point of sale item for your bar?
Shot dispenser machines, also known as shot chillers, are located in prime marketing real estate. The best place to promote a product is during transactions, this ensures your customer has your full undivided attention. At the bar is where many transactions occur, patrons are ready to spend!
Shot dispensers are also one of the few point of sale products that are not only effective in promoting your business and products, but efficient for you and your team. Give your team the tools necessary to meet the high demand of your business. Shot machines are a great addition to keep up with never-ending drink orders.
In addition to being a prime marketing tool and efficient bar addition, all shot dispensers come with a toll free number on the machines. So, in case of any questions or issues with the product, you’ll always have a helping hand.
Where to start:
Using shot dispenser machines as a point of sale can seem like a difficult task to accomplish and expensive product to produce. Fortunately, MRL Promotions makes these orders simple, fast, and on budget.
Shot machines come in all sorts of different sizes and styles, which ensures that you can get something within your needs and budget.
So get creative with your marketing strategies! Many products out there have dual purpose, where they can enhance your day to day business and your brand visibility/brand awareness.
The rundown – shot machines:
- Are fairly portable and efficient to quickly create multiple drinks
- Can be used as point of sale items to market your business or products
- They are native to prime promotional real estate
- They can be fairly affordable
Check out some of the shot machines below and get inspired! If you want more information about these point of sale items, contact one of our team members and we’ll be happy to provide our expertise!