On-packs: The Gifts that Keep on Giving
Give customers and employees a little something more with custom made on-packs and hitchhikers. These gift with purchase items are perfect for holidays, milestones, or any special occasion. On-packs are a packaged deal that allows you to deliver when it comes to your brand.
So, what exactly is an on-pack? And what is the difference between on-packs and hitchhikers?
An on-pack is any packaged item attached to a bottle, these items are considered a gift with purchase and add no additional cost to the bottle being purchased.
An on-pack of a compressed t-shirt.
Hitchhikers are like on-packs because they are attached to the bottle and are considered gifts with purchase as well, however, the difference lies in the product that is attached to the hitchhiker and the material the hitchhiker is made out of.
A paper hitchhiker with a mini champagne bottle attached.
Mini bottles of either mixers or liquor are used mostly for hitchhikers. Hitchhikers can be made from various materials, such as paper or plastic, and can come in different styles depending on the size of the bottles. Hitchhikers are meant to complement and add value (but not cost) to the bottle being purchased. Whether it’s a 750 ml bottle with a 50 ml mini bottle, there is a hitchhiker made just for that.
A plastic hitchhiker printed with a recipe for spicy sangria.
Whether you’re looking for an on-pack or a hitchhiker, these little bundles of joy are the perfect gift for any occasion.